“Keep Wabamun Lake Clean and Clear”

We help to maintain, improve and monitor the health of
Wabamun Lake.


Wabamun Lake is located in central Alberta about 60 km west of the city of Edmonton. The Wabamun Watershed Management Council (WWMC) is a registered charity, not-for-profit society that represents a cross-section of Wabamun Lake stakeholders who are committed to maintaining and improving the health of the lake and its watershed.

Follow the WWMC on Facebook, Instagram and X.

Download the 2020 Wabamun Lake Watershed Management Plan or its summary to learn how stakeholders intend to ensure the future of the lake and its watershed.

Board of Directors Login


Cyanobacteria Advisory Issued

Alberta Health Services has issued a Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) Advisory for Wabamun Lake. Blooms were confirmed at the Provincial Park and at Seba Beach, resulting in a warning for the entire lake. Cyanobacteria produce toxins that can be fatal to children and pets. The advisory states that it is still safe to swim in areas that are not visibly contaminated, but caution should be used.

Our Gold Sponsors—We thank the following corporate members for being Gold Sponsors of the WWMC. [Click on the image to go to the respective website.] For more information about Corporate Membership, please go to our Get Involved page.

Do you have an Immediate Concern?

environmental Emergency?

Phone: 1-800-222-6514

Suspected Abuse of Public Land?

Phone: 310-LAND (310-5263)

Suspected Poaching of Fish or Wildlife

Phone: 1-800-642-3800



(if not an emergency)

Invasive Species?

If you spot an invasive species, phone:


Issues on Private Land?

Contact your municipality or bylaw officer.

Planning to Modify Shoreline?

If so, go to our Shoreline Modification page for information about what’s required before proceeding.

We Are The Wabamun Watershed Management Council

The WWMC is a not-for-profit charity that works with governments, organizations, businesses and individuals to inform and educate stakeholders about the biology of the lake and the issues affecting the watershed and lake. It sponsors and coordinates programs and activities that gather information about the biology and use of the watershed and that improve the health and viability of the lake.

For more information about what the council has done and is doing, check out our Newsletters. We are also on Facebook where you can join our group, post information and engage in conversations. You can also follow us on Instagram and X.


The WWMC has been involved in many projects, including:

  • ran workshops on restoring natural shorelines, thru willow planting.

  • ran a pilot Bullrush Restoration Project in 2023 to see if bullrush can be restored to areas they had previously occupied, protecting shoreline from erosion.

  • ongoing support of the Satellite Derived Algae Monitoring Program that follows algae growth through satellite imaging, in which the WWMC samples at sights observed by the satellite.

  • consulting with TransAlta Utilities with regard to its Highvale Mine Reclamation Plan.

  • developing a Watershed Management Plan for the lake. The WWMC thanks the Land Stewardship Centre for its support of the development of the plan through the Watershed Stewardship Grant program and the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance for its help writing and producing the report.

  • with the help of the Alberta Lake Management Society, sampling the water at several sites around the lake for zooplankton and chemical analysis. As well with ALMS help, sampling aquatic plants to determine species and possible invasives.

  • ongoing support of lake residents and other stakeholders in protecting Wabamun’s shoreline and watershed from unauthorized development. Go to our Shoreline Modification page for information about how shorelines can be modified on private property.

  • providing information to shoreline property owners about the 2018 Ice Heave that caused damage to many properties along the northwest shoreline.

  • mapped the riparian area around the lake to determine how much is natural and how much is disturbed by development (see Studies and Reports)

  • published a State of the Watershed Report for the lake (see Studies and Reports)

  • providing information about invasive species in or threatening to enter the lake

  • providing information to lakeside residents about how to reduce nutrient loading in the lake, maintaining and improving lake-water quality

  • developing a biological inventory of the flora and fauna in and about the lake.

If you are concerned about the health of Wabamun Lake, consider becoming a member of the WWMC. It’s free and you will receive periodic e-mails about what’s going on in the watershed and how you can help.


Who We Are

Find out about our organization,
mission, our methods, and the results of our advocacy.


Land Acknowledgement

The Wabamun Watershed Management Council (WWMC) respectfully acknowledges that Wabamun Lake and its watershed are situated on Treaty 6 territory, traditional lands of Cree, Saulteaux/Ojibway/Anishinaabe, Blackfoot, Dene, Iroquois, Nakota Sioux, and Métis peoples. 

We acknowledge Indigenous peoples’ deep connection to the watershed lands of Wabamun Lake, and thank them for their long history and ongoing role in lake watershed management. In an act of reconciliation, as we consider our role as watershed stewards, the WWMC intends to strengthen relationships with local Indigenous peoples so we may journey together to care for Wabamun lake and its watershed for future generations.

Our Partners

The WWMC thanks the following governments and organizations for their support of specific WWMC projects [Click on the image to go to the respective website.]:


The WWMC gratefully thanks the following people who have donated to the WWMC to continue our work protecting the health of Wabamun Lake: Kelly & Mary Aldridge, Matt Anderson, Margaret Bakker, Todd Baldwin, Lyn ter Borg, Conrad Clement, Rob Cowley, Gail de Vos, Sandy Drummond, Carol & Keith Epton, Susan Evans, Neil Fleming, George and Jean Haw, Colleen & David Judge, Kobylko Family, Maurice Lemieux, Kathy MacDonald, Rick MacPhee, Averie & Carman McNary, Don and Betty Meredith, Peter and Jordyce van Muyden, Julia & Tony Nelson, Barb Parker, Cliff Richard, Robarts Family, Ron and Patricia Rolfe, Bill & Kate Russell, Ian Simpson, Jeff Stadnick, Sue Styles, Denny Thomas, Denise & Bernie Wade, Sheila Wynn, Dwayne Zon. Edmonton Community Foundation: Stan & Janet Franklin Fund, McIvor Kent Endowment Fund.

Remember: Donors to the WWMC will receive a tax receipt. Go to the Donate page for more information.

Corporate Members

WWMC is grateful to the following businesses and organizations that have become corporate members of the WWMC to support its ongoing programs and activities. [Click on the image to go to the respective website (where available).] You can learn more about corporate membership on our Get Involved page.

Gold Members

Silver Members

Bronze Members